We are Celebrating our 15th Anniversary! / Estamos celebrando nuestro 15 aniversario!

Last week, La Casa celebrated its 15th anniversary. Oh what a journey filled with one God story after another. A journey that has taken every single person God chose to bring into the story He is writing not only in the lives of the children but also in the lives of each person who has served, visited, prayed and given to His work. We are grateful fo each life, each story…the journey. May God be given all the glory!

La semana pasada, La Casa celebró su 15 aniversario. ¡Oh qué tiempo lleno de una historia de Dios tras otra. Un tiempo en que ha llevado a cada persona que Dios eligió para ser parte de la historia Él está escribiendo no sólo en las vidas de los niños sino en las vidas de cada persona que ha servido, visitado, orado y dado a su trabajo también. Estamos agradecidos por cada vida, cada historia. ¡A Dios sea toda la gloria!

2 thoughts on “We are Celebrating our 15th Anniversary! / Estamos celebrando nuestro 15 aniversario!

  1. Remember those early days so well. God is great and has led this effort and the two of you Gary and Sharon. Happy to be a small part of La Casa

  2. Tears. Tears remembering. Tears of gratitude. Tears of joy! Love to all the kids, to you, Gary and Sharon, and to all who have come along side over the years.❤️

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